History of the School
U.S. International Christian Academy is based on the concept that “God is the source of all life, truth, and knowledge. Therefore, true learning begins by knowing God”.
U.S. International Christian Academy was created out of the need to provide students an opportunity to graduate from high school after failed attempts and not being able to complete high school for reasons such as:
a) Not being able to pass the Florida Standard Assessment Test/FLDOE
b) Economic and family needs that caused them to drop out of school, and
c) Joining the work force and having the need to complete school.
U.S. International Christian Academy was founded by educators and pillars of the community whose primary goals in life are to educate and help their community.
U. S. International Christian Academy was opened in 2001 and has been very successful providing young people opportunities to obtain a high school and pursue a college education.
The curriculum follows the Abeka Curriculum for high schools as well as the requirements set forth by Christian Education and Apologia Christian Homeschool Curriculum.
All students follow the same curriculum. Students that demonstrate difficulties achieving the course objectives are required to come to have for individualized tutoring or assistance.
The school offers a well-rounded curriculum based on the high school
School Vision Statement
U.S. International Christian Academy’s mission is to inspire and equip every student to become a life-long learner and positive contributor to society through high expectations and excellent academics, engaged and individualized instruction and supportive community.
Mission Statement
The mission U.S. International Christian Academy is to provide an educational environment that promotes academic excellence, leadership, critical thinking, analytical skills, and intellectual and spiritual development to a diverse community of young men and women, presently predominantly high risk students.
Educational Philosophy
U.S. International Christian Academy’s educational philosophy consists on providing an approved curriculum in a faith-based structure. Our focus, goals, and objectives are to educate and give high school students a solid foundation during the important formative years preparing them for young adulthood, higher education, and life. Our team of committed teachers, professional staff, and administrators closely guide, mentor, educate, and support students, individually meeting their unique and specific needs.
Emphasis on Spiritual Development
We are committed to education grounded in Christian principals, and we focus on supporting and strengthening the Christian Faith of our students, Faculty and families.
Christian Values
Students are expected to conduct themselves in a moral and Christian like manner, and are required to adhere to our high standards and refrain from the following:
Insubordination, lack of respect, or insolence, Any action involving pornography, Demonstrate anti-Christian ethics, Inappropriate behavior or language, Threatening or intimidation of others, Verbal abuse of others.
Distance Education
As the school’s mission states: “Our distance education program provides the distance learning opportunity for students to achieve their academic goals and educational experience, of equal quality to traditional face-to-face setting, via distance learning”.
Our Distance Educational program is designed and aimed to deliver quality education to students who are not physically “on site” in a traditional brick-and-mortar classroom setting. The Distance Learning program has been described as “a process to create and provide access to learning when the source of information and the learners are separated by time and distance”. Our distance learning program provides the distance learning opportunity for students to achieve their academic goals and an educational experience, of equal quality to traditional face-to-face setting, via distance learning. The Distance Learning modality allows a study curriculum for the learner to fulfill their student needs outside the classroom. U. S. International Christian Academy provides 100 % Distance Education courses requiring a combination of online materials and teleconferencing and online teaching to interact with faculty and advisor. The students learn at their own pace with personalized attention meeting their special needs and learning style. Instructors are also able to send feedback to the student using the internal messaging system, email, coursesite or through the Grade book itself. In this manner, students are up to date with their progress in each course.
The students are able to access all the resources they need for their individual courses. Textbook are provided by the school for each course as well as access codes and passwords. The students also have access to the schools Electronic Library System through the schools website.
The teachers are able to upload video, audio clips, Power Point presentations, films, teleconferencing and other educational resources to enhance their course content.
PowerPoint presentations are used to enhance lectures, virtual labs are used in science courses to illustrate and show detailed information, numerous video and audio clips are used for all courses, as well as illustrative presentations that enable the teacher to communicate more effectively and enhance the teaching objectives being covered in the course. Specific lecture notes are also provided to cover each topic.
Benefits of Distance Education
Distance learning can expand access to education all students. Its flexible scheduling structure lessons the effects of the many time-constraints imposed by personal responsibilities and commitments. There is the potential for increased access to more experts in the field and to other students from diverse geographical, social, cultural, economic, and experiential backgrounds.
Distance education can also provide a broader method of communication within the realm of education. With the many tools and programs that technological advancements have to offer, communication appears to increase in distance education among students and their professors, as well as students and their classmates. The distance educational increase in communication, particularly communication among students and their classmates, is an improvement that has been made to provide distance education students with as many of the opportunities as possible as they would receive in in-person education. The improvement being made in distance education is growing in tandem with the constant technological advancements. By having the opportunity to be involved in global institutions via distance education, a diverse array of thought is presented to students through communication with their classmates. This is beneficial because students have the opportunity to "combine new opinions with their own, and develop a solid foundation for learning.
U.S. International Christian Academy Distance Education may be an alternative in order to provide some relief. Distance education has been a more cost-effective form of learning, and can sometimes save students a significant amount of money as opposed to traditional education. Distance education may be able to help to save students a considerable amount financially by removing the cost of transportation. In addition, distance education may be able to save students from the economic burden of high-priced course textbooks. Many textbooks are now available as electronic textbooks, known as e-textbooks, which can offer digital textbooks for a reduced price in comparison to traditional textbooks.
At U.S. International Christian Academy the students are able to learn in ways that traditional classrooms would not be able to provide. It is able to promote good learning experiences and therefore, allow students to obtain higher satisfaction with their online learning. For example, students can review their lessons more than once according to their need. Students can then manipulate the coursework to fit their learning by focusing more on their weaker topics while breezing through concepts that they already have or can easily grasp. When course design and the learning environment are at their optimal conditions, distance education can lead students to higher satisfaction with their learning experiences. Studies have shown that high satisfaction correlates to increased learning. Students who are enrolled in distance education with high satisfaction in their online coursework are then motivated intrinsically to learn, which often means that their performance in class will improve. This also may contribute to the students feeling a greater sense of support, since they have ongoing and regular access to their instructors and other students.
Distance learning may enable students who are unable to attend a traditional school setting, due to disability or illness such as decreased mobility. Distance education may provide equal access regardless of socioeconomic status or income, area of residence, gender, race, age, or cost per student. Applying universal design strategies to distance learning courses as they are being developed can increase the accessibility of such courses to students with a range of abilities, disabilities, learning styles, and native languages.
Distance Learning may also offer a final opportunity for adolescences that are no longer permitted in the General Education population due to behavior disorders. Instead of these students having no other academic opportunities, they may continue their education from their homes and earn their diplomas, offering them another chance to be an integral part of society.
Purpose Distance Education
Distance Education and Off-Campus Instructional Sites at
U.S. International Christian Academy Purpose is committed to provide quality education to students in all modalities.
Students in enrolled in distance education courses, programs, and/or off-site instruction have access to support services and resources needed to successfully complete their education
U.S. International Christian Academy is responsible for the approval of the 100 % Distance Education curriculum and has the authority to approve the use and allocation of resources that support these academic functions.
Online course: Credit bearing course where 100% of required course content, activities, and assessments occur online. These courses are conducted via web-based instruction and collaboration.
Organizational Structure
Academic affairs holds the administrative responsibility for the quality of distance learning programs.
Intellectual Property
U.S. International Christian Academy will comply with the school policy, copyrights, and other intellectual property. The purpose of this section is to clarify matters that may be open to interpretation.
Distance education programs and courses are consistent with the mission of U.S. International Christian Academy and will be approved and evaluated through the regular curriculum approval and program assessment procedures.
This evaluation shall include the following:
Student learning competencies and achievement of stated student learning outcomes.
Student demand and cost effectiveness.
Course design that aligns with U.S. International Christian Academy’s approved rubric.
Equivalence of distance education courses in terms of educational effectiveness, student retention, and student satisfaction.
Compliance with applicable school, State, and Federal regulations and policies such as accessibility, copyright, and research policies.
Parent and Community
Parental support is extremely important in a student’s education and achievement. At US International Christian Academy, the parents are an integral part of our high school program. Parents must come visit our facilities to register their son/daughter and be introduced to the school and all the services available to the students. Parents are welcome to contact the school with any concern or to inquire about their son/daughter progress.
Online Tutorial Services
Students that demonstrate difficulty complying with the assignments and course requirements receive academic advisement and tutoring online for one-to-one online tutoring. Please contact your academic advisement to arrange for the services.
Grading System
Letter Numerical Value Points
Superior Achievement A 100 – 90 4.00 points
Very Good B 89 – 80 3.00 points
Average C 79 – 70 2.00 points
Passing D 69 – 60 1.00 points
Failure F 59 – 0 0.00 points
Incomplete I
Student did not complete the required class work for approved reason Withdrawal W
Students receiving an “F” grade will be required to retake the test.
Students receiving any grade less than a “C” are encouraged to retake the test to improve their grade.
Students are required to keep up with the deadlines for each assignment as stated in the course syllabus. Additionally, the Student Handbook describes the Students Responsibilities as far as course completion, Grade Point Average (GPA), and fulfillment of all assignments in a timely manner.
Prior to the first day of class, Orientation is offered for all new students. All student development services representatives greet new students. New students will learn about policies and procedures from our high school.
School Recognitions
U.S. International Christian Academy has already earned numerous awards and congratulations letters as well as an
School Students Associations
Spanish Club
U.S. International Christian Academy Honor Scholarship provides scholarships to eligible students with special needs and/or economic necessity.
The Bible
We believe:
1. The Bible to be the inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God.
2. There is one God, eternally existent in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
3. In the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, and vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His resurrection and ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.
4. Regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely necessary for the salvation of lost and sinful men.
5. In the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a Godly life.
6. In the resurrection of both the saved and the lost: they that are saved unto the resurrection of life, and they that are lost unto the resurrection of eternal damnation.
7. In the spiritual unity of all believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Special Need Program
Students with special learning needs may request curricular modifications. Teachers and the learning specialists work together to identify and implement modifications.
If you have any disability or special need, hearing or vision impairment, call contact us for direct access to school representatives who are trained in providing support using accessibility services.
Protocol for volunteers, Staff and Teachers
Digital fingerprints completed every five years
Each volunteer applicant must have their fingerprints taken digitally
U.S. International Christian Academy will conduct a State & National Background Check (level 2) through the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
If an applicant receives a screening clearance they may work as a volunteer at U.S.International Christian Academy if all criteria are met.
Volunteers must register online or contact Apex Fingerprint.
Child Protective Investigations
Florida law provides that any person who knows or has reasonable cause to suspect that a child isabused by a parent, legal custodian, caregiver or other person responsible for the child’s welfare must report such knowledge to the Department of Children and Families. The school will cooperate with all child protective investigations by DCF or the local law enforcement agency.
Reports should be made to Florida’s Department of Children and Families by calling the Abuse Hotline at: 1-800-96-ABUSE (1-800-962-2873)
President's Volunteer Service Awards
Community Services
U.S. International Christian Academy has been approved as an Official Certifying Organization for the President's Volunteer Service Awards program.
Presidential Youth Fitness Program
U.S. International Christian Academy has been approved as an Official Certifying Organization for the President Youth Fitness Program
School Handbook/Parent-Students Handbook/Staff-Faculty Handbook
The School Handbook, The Parent-Students Handbook and the Staff-Faculty Handbook are available for parents, students, staff and faculty under request.
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Revised on February 9, 2023
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